
Foam rolling is a great way to relieve sore and tired muscles and improve recovery times between challenging workouts. Wellness coach programs recommend foam rolling over using pain medications or anti-inflammatory medications. Foam rolling can help loosen up tight muscles and fascia so that the body can heal naturally without having to resort to medications that often only masks the source of the problem. Wellness certifications are available for personal trainers to take and learn about more holistic approaches for fitness recovery and self-care. For sport conditioning courses, foam rolling is part of their daily routines and training programs. The benefits of foam rolling allow athletes to train hard and recover faster so that their risk of sports injury is reduced during training sessions.

Foam rolling can be used to help improve flexibility. Sports training conditioning programs can be enhanced by this specific benefit. Improving flexibility with foam rolling can help improve the range of motion as well putting less stress on the joints and decreasing the risk of damage to those joints. Foam rolling can help improve functional fitness when used for specific sport training programs because it helps improve overall training and output as well as helping to support daily activities and training habits.

Foam rolling is also a great way to give yourself a deep tissue massage in areas that are overly fatigued from training. Foam rollers are relatively inexpensive and can be easily found in many stores as well as online. They do not take up a lot of space to store and can have a big positive impact on daily life when used regularly. If you have never used a foam roller before, reach out to a certified health coach in your local area for a demonstration on how you can use it and benefit from it. Foam rollers come in different sizes and different levels of firmness for different areas of the body. Some foam rollers have spiky nubs on them for the deepest pressure on the legs and back. Some foam rollers are small and travel friendly in your gym bag for manual pressure and massage with your hands. The large variety of foam rollers available ensures that there is a foam roller for every type of athlete of all ages and all fitness levels. If you suffer from chronic aches and pains from training, give foam rolling a try and reap the benefits of complete total body care.


227 14th Street North
St. Petersburg, FL 33705